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05 Most Visited Cities of the World

05 Most Visited Cities of the World

People used to visit the cities for the sake of leisure as well as for job. According to the data and statistics provided by different platforms and institutions the following cities are top most visited.

Tourists prefer to visit the cities which has diversity in culture, attraction in environment and peace in the city.

From slow and charming to fast-clipped and polished, the five most visited cities of world have their own distinct pace and color.

These cities are given here.

1. Bangkok

Country: Thailand | Total International Visitors: 22.78 million | Last Year’s Rank: 1

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. It is top among most visited cities in the world hosts to a huge international visitors i.e 22 millions!

Bouquet in the noise of tuk-tuks and consistent liveliness is the city of Bangkok, where map-less exploration always leads discover fun.

Here, people enjoy the usual city comforts of megamalls and modern places. It also has a collection of many golden temples, graveyards and shrines. Visitors can follow their nose to Bangkok’s countless street markets have a lot of spicy, sour, sweet, and salty flavors, then step on a boat to reach their floating markets.

In the night, Chinatown and Sukhumvit disclose a colorful nightlife that is both cosmopolitan and cultural. And to forget to enjoy the exciting day trips away from this busy city!

But visitors should learn how to stay safe in Bangkok before going outside, and I also suggest that you should hire a professional and local guide.

2. Paris

Country: France | Total International Visitors: 19.10 million | Last Year’s Rank: 2

Paris is the world’s second most visited city and Europe's most visited city.

Paris will grab your attention with its classic buildings, masterpiece Persian bridges and artistic boulevards.

Take a boat trip along River Seine for a eye bird look at the historical monuments of cities, or cadence by individual neighborhoods for Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre and more. As it’s an established art and fashion capital, visitors can’t go without seeing the collections of Musee d’Orsay and Centre Pompidou. Atmospheric bookstores, excellent shops and flea markets make a plus point in the beauty of Paris. Mark beside art nouveau department stores such as Galeries Lafayette.

To biptize yourself in this beautiful city from the comfort of your chesterfield, pick any of the street, market, river, tower or any other place and enjoy!

3. London

Country: United Kingdom | Total International Visitors: 19.09 million | Last Year’s Rank: 3

London comes under the most popular cities in the world! The antique architecture in London is matched by burst of alteration such as the Shard, Tate Modern, and the Sky Garden, endeavor grand and historical portion.

You’ll be glad by the taverns and all of West End and impressed by London’s au courant art and architecture, performance and theater, books and literature etc.

Regards you with both the beauty of green parks and urban drape, the city will take you through a marvelous historical journey.

4. Dubai

Country: United Arab Emirates | Total International Visitors: 15.93 million | Last Year’s Rank: 4

Dubai rises out from the desert in all its futuristic glory. High-rises influence the skyline, housing schemes and societies, mega-malls, and glassy office blocks. City life is defined by unenergetic shopping, performance venues, peaceful places of worship, and fancy rooftop courtyard.

On the borderline are bank of rivers, outlook of nature in adverse to the man-made aquatic and botanical gardens. And no doubt, one can go for a desert trip and enjoy riding a camel, or coming down the dunes on a four-wheeler. World's largest tower 'Burj Al Khalifa' also lies in Dubai.

5. Singapore

Country: The Republic of Singapore | Total International Visitors: 14.67 million | Last Year’s Rank: 5

Singapore is a green and innovative city designed with future in mind.

Caper from allurement to another with its enough transportation system and hit up the diversified neighborhoods of Little India to Chinatown.

From hawker centers to street markets to fine dining, one will be eating fill of multi-national cuisine – Singapore is a foodie city with diverse meal must-visit.

When one is not busy eating, he/she will be sunbathe in the luxe Orchard Road shopping mall, or look into the famous Botanic gardens.


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